Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Hot In the Hot Tub!

Wow, it looks earth hit record temperatures in 2005! Is it Global Warming? A Heat Wave? Liberal Conspiracy?

The real question...How in the double heck do these folks know that this is hottest the earth has ever been? They state that this is the hottest the earth has been since they started taking the temperature of the earth in the late 1800's. I'm sorry but weren't these folks crapping in outhouses in the 1800's? Running water? Electricity? Micro-Evolution? Weren't the hustlers, women of the night, and the 8 year old kid who cut his toe on the plow share dying of infection because they didn't know that little micro-organinisms were destroying them from the inside?

And we are supposed to believe that they could take the core temperature of the earth?



Matt said...

head, your commentary sounds a lot like Dennis Miller's standup routine. Did you forget to cite your source?

Head Master, Society of Saints said...

Never heard the stand-up routine.

davieboy said...

I dont buy it.

CitizenSaint said...

Actually, I think he heard it from me. People just soak in my comments like a sponge.

Head Master, Society of Saints said...

I'm in tune with the spirit...of CitizenSaint, that is where I heard it.