Thursday, March 20, 2008

What is conservatism?

Good article on the great questions facing post-Reagan / Newt Conservatism.
clipped from
The Trouble with Limited Government

The point of departure for my essay on "The Trouble with Limited Government" in the Claremont Review of Books was a National Review cover story that Senior Editor Ramesh Ponnuru wrote last November. In that article, he said that:

[T]he real crisis of conservatism…can be boiled down to two propositions. The first is that, at least as the American electorate is presently con­stituted, there is no imaginable political coali­tion…capable of sustaining a majority that takes a reduction of the scope of the federal govern­ment as one of its central tasks. The second [proposition] is that modern American conserva­tism is incapable of organizing itself without tak­ing that as a central mission. 

by William Voegeli, Ph.D.
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