Monday, March 31, 2008

Credit from the Dems

Good article from the Huff. This is turning out to be a pseudo pre- 2000 election controversy.

What a probe might have discovered was a rationale for doing, at worst, what the RNC did to its own overeager primary schedulers in the same two states -- cutting the delegations by half. That's precisely the penalty specified in DNC rules, but the committee, exercising powers it certainly had the legal discretion to exercise, upped the ante as far as it could. In a bizarre reversal of public policy, the RNC, surely aware that the principal miscreants in both states were Republicans, applied a sane yet severe sanction. The Democrats opted for decapitation.

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McCain's New International Democracy

I like where McCain is going with this. It appears he is more driven by the principle of Democracy and less on America's role as the lone "Superpower".

I agree with him that the world will be better off by creating an international unity among the democratic nations who have, TOGETHER, a vested interest in securing freedom throughout the world. Think how great it would be if the world democratic powers took on their role in helping build Iraq and Afghanistan and if the USA didn't feel the need to go save the world on their own.

Anyways, great article.

JOHN MCCAIN'S FIRST MAJOR foreign policy speech as the presumed Republican nominee for president, delivered last week in Los Angeles, was widely viewed as an effort to distance himself from President George W. Bush. The Washington Post said his agenda "contrasts sharply" with the "go-it-alone approach" of the Bush administration. London's Telegraph discerned a "more practical, less ideological approach" to the war on terror. Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh accused McCain of rejecting America's superpower status and "pandering to the hate-America crowd." New York Times columnist David Brooks claimed that unlike Bush, McCain wants to "protect the fabric of the international system."

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Majerus is an Idiot

It looks like former U of U basketball coach Fat Rick didn't learn anything in his years at the University of Utah. He's back to offending every religious body he can while desecrating his own. Maybe that's a metaphor that he hates himself. Or, maybe he just hates religious folk.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mitt as McCain's Running Mate?

The question was asked to me by a infrequent poster on this blog whether my fervent dislike of John McCain could be quelled by putting Romney on the ticket. Of course I said no but that doesn't mean that I'll pull a Mitt and change my mind and actually vote McCain.

An article that I found may help dissuade or persuade my inner political devil to whether to vote the ticket. What does it do for you?

Part 2 of Milt's Libertarianism

I wish I had a name like Milton so I could be called Milt.

Hillary Exposed -- Again!

I.. um...lied... no, I misspoke!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Carville Call Richardson "Judas"

Talk about calling the kettle black. James Carville, on the eve of Easter no less, is calling Bill Richardson a "Judas" for endorsing Bill Richardson. I sure hope Richardson doesn't have any skeletons in the closet cause' I get a feeling that they're are about to be unleashed. It appears that the Clinton machine may swiftly enact some Easter like Justice.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Libertarianism -- You know I love it

I am a great advocate for Libertarianism and here is the the first of our foray into helping you understanding it better. Meet Mr. Friedman.... Video 1 of 4

The Right and Left Worrying About Who Hates More

I'd like to present two articles that I found interesting that talk about hate, which side has more and the meaning of it. It is an interesting paradox that our current political system has to deal with. Each side thinks they are right. Each side claims that they are not hateful and each side believes they are just pointing out what is really there.

Also a good video about why it is so dangerous to condemn the words and actions of others while promoting yourself as "free" of any wrong doing or being "above" such actions.

A Libertarian You Could Vote For

A remarkable Libertarian that I could find myself voting for. I like him and his ideas but I would struggle perhaps voting for a man that has made his fortune in Vegas. More to come on this subject...

Wayne Root on The Stu Show (producer of Glenn Beck Show)- as heard on Premiere Radio Network and at
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Hardball Does Ellen

Great video of my favorite Chris Matthews acting a fool and feeling up Ellen.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

What is conservatism?

Good article on the great questions facing post-Reagan / Newt Conservatism.
clipped from
The Trouble with Limited Government

The point of departure for my essay on "The Trouble with Limited Government" in the Claremont Review of Books was a National Review cover story that Senior Editor Ramesh Ponnuru wrote last November. In that article, he said that:

[T]he real crisis of conservatism…can be boiled down to two propositions. The first is that, at least as the American electorate is presently con­stituted, there is no imaginable political coali­tion…capable of sustaining a majority that takes a reduction of the scope of the federal govern­ment as one of its central tasks. The second [proposition] is that modern American conserva­tism is incapable of organizing itself without tak­ing that as a central mission. 

by William Voegeli, Ph.D.
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