Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Ron Paul Revolution

I love him! I don't support everything he says but I respect what he says and I agree with his foundations of limited government, less global intervention and more personal liberties. Not only does he believe these things but his record proves that he lives by them as well.

I plan on writing a post of my fall from Mittism but I believe until the primaries I will be supporting Ron Paul for the Republican nomination.

See what turned me to the REVOLUTION

Thursday, May 24, 2007

This Is What I Have Been Saying!

I gave a speech in my rhetoric class a year ago on why illegal immigrants are not really all that bad, and that they are not really as big a strain on our economy as as some people say. I found this op-ed on the Opinion Journal's website. They make the same arguments that I made in my speech, so of course my ego is doing quite well now.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Great way to listen to music!

I found this site and thought I would pass it along. It allows you to put in any artist and then through a unique sequencing it finds other musicians out there that have similar sounds. Pretty cool.
clipped from


Pandora acts like your personal DJ. Just name an artist you like, and this free Internet radio service instantly starts streaming music. You'll hear not only from your selected artist, but also from others with a similar sound. It's a great way to discover new music, and Pandora is uncannily accurate in suggesting songs with comparable musical qualities. As you listen, you can rate each song with a thumbs up or thumbs down so Pandora can better tailor the station to your preferences. Of course, you also have the option of buying songs and albums from or Apple's iTunes Music Store. A recently added bookmark feature lets you replay your favorite songs later on. This is one Pandora's box you'll be glad you opened.
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Maybe THE best Web 2.0 Tool

Here is a great tool for clipping the best of the web and converting it to a blog, email or other applications. I think it will revolutionize the blogging world.
clipped from
Ever wish you could "clip" a piece of a Web page the way you'd tear an article from a magazine? Clipmarks lets you do exactly that, then tag, store, organize, and share your clips. The site's simple toolbar is available for both Firefox and Internet Explorer; once it's installed, click the Clip icon on the toolbar, then mouse over the area of the page you wish to clip. Clicking on the toolbar again allows you to name, tag, and save that clip. Clipmarks is better than bookmarking because it saves only the data you want, not the entire page. Students, researchers, and even online shoppers are sure to find it
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Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Good with the Bad

Its letters like this one that give me hope that there really are thoughtful, intelligent people out there. Hopefully this trend will continue; with every bad, disrespectful and uninformed article about Romney posted on the web, a good one will match it.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Romney's Religion and the Media

There was a great piece in the LA Times recently about the media attacking Romney's Mormonism. The elections are far, far away, but this discussion will dominate as long as Romney is a candidate. I wonder if Romney will ever get to talk issues?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mormons on PBS

A four-hour documentary on Mormons will air on PBS this spring. "Award-winning filmmaker Helen Whitney has one over-arching goal for her four-hour production "The Mormons," I hope that most of the stereotypes — ideally, all of them — will be blown away." It will air April 30 and May 1st. "The Mormons" is not a film about Utah. Whitney traveled across the country, from New York to California; she sent a film crew to Ghana. Mormons are everywhere, and I wanted to make that point." It sounds like it will be very good, and fair. I look forward to seeing this on TV. PBS has aired a lot of things about the church. Recently, there was a documentary about the Willie and Martin handcart companies. Over the Christmas holiday season, PBS aired a christmas concert that was taped at the confrence center several times--I actually got tired of seeing it it was on so much.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The First of Many

Monday, January 01, 2007

Another Step Closer

It's going to be for real this week: "Gov. Mitt Romney this week will submit the necessary paperwork to form a presidential exploratory committee, but not until funeral services for former President Gerald R. Ford have concluded, according to a top aide familiar with his plans. While the committee filing will be labeled "exploratory," it will declare Romney as an official presidential candidate and commit him to the same fundraising and reporting rules he will have to follow when, as is expected, he transitions to a formal presidential campaign committee."