Monday, April 16, 2007

Maybe THE best Web 2.0 Tool

Here is a great tool for clipping the best of the web and converting it to a blog, email or other applications. I think it will revolutionize the blogging world.
clipped from
Ever wish you could "clip" a piece of a Web page the way you'd tear an article from a magazine? Clipmarks lets you do exactly that, then tag, store, organize, and share your clips. The site's simple toolbar is available for both Firefox and Internet Explorer; once it's installed, click the Clip icon on the toolbar, then mouse over the area of the page you wish to clip. Clicking on the toolbar again allows you to name, tag, and save that clip. Clipmarks is better than bookmarking because it saves only the data you want, not the entire page. Students, researchers, and even online shoppers are sure to find it
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