Tuesday, April 29, 2008

FLDS Teens Pregnant -- But are they really 14-17 year olds

A new report calls into question how the State of Texas is determining the age of the girls.


Now, I don't know exactly what is going on in this whole deal. No doubt the FLDS there are doing some shady things and are most likely in the midst of pedophiles but the State is not helping their cause by lying to the public and providing misleading information.

In my opinion this is not a case that was well thought out. Claims, information, charges and evidence have been pretty sketchy and seem to need a required "spin" to make them fit the State's case.

It is possible that this is the greatest trampling of civil rights since the 1950's raids on the polygamists compounds. Or it simply could be a good call on Texas's part to protect the children. Time will tell.