Interesting article about Mitt and Bush younger. I think we need to start thinking of the bumper stickers.
Any suggestions?
Monday, October 30, 2006
Romney, Bush Ticket
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 2:15 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Rush, Friend or Foe?
You know I'm not sure if Rush does more good or bad for the conservative cause. For every smart thing he does he does something stupid. If there is one person who epitomizes the racist, ego-centric, socially careless, money hungry and down right jerk republican it is freak'in Rush Limbaugh. He has become a one man democratic smear commerical. They don't even have to pay for it anymore, it comes free on his show.
His remarks about Michael J. Fox are excruciatingly painful to bear. I mean this is Alex P. Keaton we are talking about! Have some decency man!
Rush, do us all a favor and just shut your pie hole long enough so that your brain can process that what you are about to say is insensitive and harmful. How arrogant is he that he thinks that he can say whatever he wants and repent for it later. For all his antics and shameful self- engrandisment he is also petty and belligerent. In an election year where his party is looking from the outside in he says something to add to the already bitter pill that the American people are feeling for republicans. And you call yourself a friend to the cause? With friends like these, who needs the democrats.
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 9:35 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 23, 2006
Fantasy Congress
This is a very interesting idea; maybe we should form a league.
Blogged with Flock
Posted by davieboy at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 20, 2006
Romney, evangelicals and a site worth supporting
Mitt Romney if nothing else is creating quite a stir in the ranks of the GOP. Can the Grand Ol' Party survive the storm that is a brewin? Here is what I mean.
The internal fight between the various wings of the "Christian Right" has started. In a recent interview with the Clarion-Ledger in Jackson, MO Jerry Falwell said, "If he's pro-life, pro-family, I don't think he'll have any problem getting the support of evangelical Christians," Falwell's Moral Majority organization may not have a problem in supporting Mr. Romney but others outside of his group may. James Dobson, the influential evangelical founder of Focus on the Family, stated recently on the Laura Ingraham shown, "I don't believe that conservative Christians in large numbers will vote for a Mormon but that remains to be seen, I guess," I say, why would Christians would fail to support Mr. Romney? Mr. Dobson stated that the governor's stands on social issues are similar to those of many religious conservatives. Dobson says,
"He's a nice guy. He's a very attractive man. He's got a beautiful wife and a lot of his principles and values are consistent with ours," The opposition mounting on both sides is thickening and deeper questions are starting to be asked. There are good signs however that Mitt can get support from the evangelical base. A site that is comforting and worth supporting is, . A group of evangelical supporters of Mitt Romney who think despite his particular "sect", he is the best candidate. This is a great pro site. The question is when will the anti sites start coming?
I can feel the tension already! I would dare say that the greatest battle in the GOP this up coming presidential election won't be between the "Moderate" republicans and the "Conservative" elephants who jockey over how much torture is too much tortue, but instead between the factions of the Christian Right.
Oh my gosh, if I could be a fly on the wall while those folks meet!
Make no mistake however, what question that will be decided. The magical question that the religious right will debate is, who's worse, a Mormon president or Hillary Clinton? The answer should be very interesting.
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 8:33 AM 2 comments
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Olberman on a roll
Usually the most vocal, beligerent and honest folks are those on their way out. Could Olberman be on the verge on joining the ranks of Phil Donohue and Michael Savage as the latest members of the MSNBC staff to get the ax?
No matter, I love what he has been saying lately. It is most likely an abberation of agreement but in any case I think he is right. And as our beloved prophet GBH has said, "We invite all those of faith to bring their truths..." I think what right is right no matter who says it, and for the love of Thors hammer, he is right.
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 10:06 AM 0 comments
These guys are ruining it all for everyone!
Geesh, every time I think they are being marginalized they go and do something tragic. The Christian Right, specifically Evangelicals since they're the only ones going to heaven, now "Broaden their moral agenda". Not only do we have to hear about their endless yapping on male on male unions, Abortion and monkey's to man we now have to hear them telling us that to be saved we have to eat more tofu and drive a 2hp Honda Insight. Where will their pious regard for the human soul stop?
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Is the Mormon machine ramping up? (edit -- Church response posted)
Interesting article in the Boston Globe...
Could the Mormon cogs finally start turning in support of a political candidate? Could the standing policy of neutrality finally be shelved in favor of the church's other long standing policy of political activism? Probablly not, but I don't doubt that the ex-facto Church machine will be in full force to help elect Mitt Romney. As well as it bloody well should be! For a church that claims the Constitution of this great country as revelation it is about time we stood up to defend the darn thing.
I'm sure that the Church will not suffer this to story to get its feet but I know somewhere in the back of the minds of our leaders they are privately pushing Romney 08 and will quitely do their part to put the greatest service army into force to elect one of their own and in my opinion, the best candidate.
For those interested in supporting Romney, I have included a link to his PAC. Donate once, donate often. In my humble but correct opinion, Romney is the greatest candidate for those "movement" conservatives and I believe the great equalizer of the Christian Right.
(edited with response from the LDS church, published 10/20/2006),1249,650200241,00.html
--- Salt Lake Tribune Chimes in as well ---
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 6:47 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Swami Buchanan
He wrote a great article, see link
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 8:29 PM 1 comments
Rush's Rant ( Edited with Scarborough link )
--- Below is an article by Joe Scarborough for reference ---
Ok, I have to respond to Rush. Look at the monologue :
I understand what Rush is saying and what he is trying to do but it is still poop. The republicans of this administration and congress have been utter failures, traitors of the faith and at best wolves lying in wait to deceive. Wake up Rush! Just as Buchanan and Scarborough stated, "movement" conservatives are lost in the Republican party. People who voted for true conservative principles are once again realizing that republicans don't stand for their values. These "movement" conservatives are people of principle and characters of consciousness. They are not party hogs and they certainly don't care what whether they lose an election if it means they have to give up their principles. This idea of leadership and values at any cost is what Reagan and Gingrich were all about. That is what we loved about them and why we long for the return of their principles.
What Rush doesn't seem to understand is that a people so moved and idealistic do not give up easily, and that no amount of fear of the "other" side can so move them to quit themselves. What most conservatives are saying is that we don't care who wins, the two groups are the same. Republicans dressed as conservatives should get as much respect as men dressed in women's clothing.
The conservative movement within the republican party is no more. They are ex-conservatives, they are conservatives that have passed on, conservatives that have gave up the ghost, they are picking up daisies. As good members of society we should respectfully bury them and hope they were believers and can be made whole again. The way we restore ourselves is by once again making a contract with the country to restoring American values and vote our conservative, moral and down right kick butt conscious.
--- See Joe's Article ---
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Wavering Faith?
Alright, alright! Call me what you will but I have lost confidence in our so called "plan" to win the war in Iraq. Forgive me for no longer bleeding red, white and blue but I can no longer believe that our President and his administration have a control over Iraq. The war is not getting better, after years of being entangled in Iraq we are no closer to winning.
I am willing to concede under heavy sedation that we are not worse off but I sure as heck know that it is not getting better. And for that matter, look at the world. Nukes in North Korea, evil in Iran and a world that the U.S. no longer has respect. Heck, I even agreed with Keith Olberman of MSNBC, Keith Olberman! I can hardly look at myself in the mirror.
This is how I see it. In a post Sept. 11th world our country needs to have strength of character, clear direction, unity or purpose and someone we can look to for leadership. We don't have any of these. What is to become of us?
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 5:39 PM 0 comments