Monday, October 30, 2006

Romney, Bush Ticket

Interesting article about Mitt and Bush younger. I think we need to start thinking of the bumper stickers.

Any suggestions?


davieboy said...

They mentioned "Bush fatigue" in the article. I think I suffer from Bush fatigue; we don't need another Bush in the White house. Can you imagine a 3rd Bush running for president, and possibly winning (assuming Romney wins, serves two terms and then Jeb gets the nomination in 2016)? That would be unprecedented. Anyway, I don't really know much about Jeb, but he could either be a big help to Romney, or a big hurt, depending on how W finishes his presidential term. If by some miracle Iraq makes a turn for the better and the economy does well, etc., the bush name will help him. If, however, Americans have a bad taste in their mouths after W leaves office in a couple years, Jeb could be a liability. There is no question though, that Jeb brings with him huge campaign donations. Anyway, that's my two cents. (Canadian cents, by the way.)