This article below illustrates only a certain aspect of why I believe the evangelical right is destroying the Republican Party and moreover, it is why I believe they are destroying the conservative movement. It is their narrow zeal that keeps us from signficant progression. It is not about equality, it is not about morals or prosperity but about their "christian kingdom". A single idea based on a narrow world view of christianity, and all those that oppose that idea. This narrowly defined world view of nothing or all why I fear the evangelical movement to my very core.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Evangelical Bias, The Great Threat of Modern Conservatism
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 5:02 PM 1 comments
Romney, One Step Closer
Hey guys, I will be starting a State of Kansas Elect Mitt organization. Go to and join (if you are so inclined) the new national group to elect Mitt. Here is a recent article from Mitt's last trip to South Carolina.
By Dan HooverSTAFF WRITERdchoover@greenvillenews.comStepping up his soundings as a potential 2008presidential candidate, Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romneytold Greenville Republicans on Saturday that thefederal government, without naming President Bush, isspending too much money and has "underappreciated" theterror threat's scope."Look at the numbers," he said of Washington'sspending habits, and warned that by 2020, entitlementswill consume 70 percent of the budget. "That wouldmean defense would get 15 percent. How can you be thesuperpower of the planet and only have 15 percent ofyour budget go into national defense?"Romney told more than 300 Republicans attending abreakfast before the county party's convention thatthe threat to America is bigger than many believe andis aimed at bringing down the nation, not just bombinga shopping mall.At the most critical period in U.S. history, whenAmerica and the world are under attack by "globaljihadists," not just a small group of terrorists,Romney said some leaders have "underappreciated andunderestimated" the threat's magnitude.Romney said America's foes' "global view is that theywere given a huge part of the planet for their people,and it's their job to go back and recapture all thatportion. One nation keeps all that from happening,from combining all those nations under one element:the United States."But Romney went on to express appreciation for Bushfor "being willing to declare war on terror."In recent weeks, Romney has emerged as a terror warhawk who supports increased monitoring of foreignstudents and shifting from programs geared to reactingto attack to those aimed at preventing them.He made no direct reference to the presidentialsweepstakes, but turning to South Carolina Gov. MarkSanford, said, "You're lucky to have this man as yourgovernor, and he'd make a good president, too."Sanford has sought to end speculation he's interestedin a White House bid of his own.Romney was followed by South Carolina Sen. LindseyGraham of Seneca who weighed in on spending by theGOP's congressional majority, saying, "We've forgottenwhat it's like to be a Republican when it comes tospending money. I want the president to start vetoingsome bills. Veto some," he added for emphasis.For Romney, the appearance was sandwiched between aFriday night dinner in Spartanburg and another speechThursday to the Lexington GOP convention, all part ofthe run-up to South Carolina's first-in-the-Southpresidential primary in two years.
Posted by Head Master, Society of Saints at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Good Quote
"The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it." - Ronald Reagan
Posted by davieboy at 10:20 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 17, 2006
What is Al Gore Thinking??
I think this one goes without saying. To make outrageous unsubstantiated claims against your country, in "enemy territory" during a time of war, is this a smart move Al? Not only is it completely stupid, and dangerous, its treasonous. What is this guy thinking? It's one thing to disagree with the administration, or even dissent, but this is over the line.
Posted by Matt at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Religious Tolerance?
This guy makes a compelling argument about the Danish cartoon controversy and the consequent fallout among followers of, as he calls it, a religion of peace. Freedom of expression taken too far, maybe. Overreaction, most definitely. How would we react if The Prophet was depicted in like manner? I can tell you for certain there would not be riots, burning, destruction and death in the Salt Lake Valley. Quite the opposite. Aside from a PR statement denouncing any such depiction, from a religion of peace, 'turn the other cheek' would be the end result if such slander should befall the Saints.
Posted by Matt at 8:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Walter E Williams on "Rights"
This is one of the great classics of Mr Walter Williams. It think this needs to be preached from the rooftops because it is the very core of the social debate.. "now"... read on.
Posted by CitizenSaint at 6:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 02, 2006
State of the GREEN Union
Energy independence, Alternative energy sources, and Dick Cheney's resignation? All part of the State of the Union, according to Thomas Friedman. This commentary brings up some great points about U.S. dependence on a commodity that is indirectly, and in some cases, directly, funding global terrorism, and how to best change the direction of our nation to become more self-sufficient and green? In this case, being green is not a leftist crazy ideology, but a long-term pragmatic view of a cleaner, self-sufficient, secure nation.,1249,635180292,00.html
Posted by Matt at 7:51 AM 1 comments