Saturday, November 04, 2006

Media Bias Illustrated

I hear the term media bias thrown out there everyday primarliy from the talking heads on the right side of the aisle. Here is an example of blatant bias found in the leftie enclave, the New York Times. Read it here. It is regarding the John Kerry joke gone bad. Here is what he said:

" study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.."
"..if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq.."

You won't see this quote anywhere in the article, written the day after said comment. In fact, it states on more than one occasion that Bush attacks Kerry for his comments. So Kerry is painted as the victim of a "vast right wing conspiracy."

Very interesting....


Head Master, Society of Saints said...

You are right and I bet with some research you could find similar written articles from the LA Times and Chicago Tribune.

What I find so interesting is that the left try so hard to deceive but they do it so cleverly and the right is so terrible at it. I know it is a matter of perspective but the right doesn't seem to know how to cover things up are deceive very well. They try but it doesn't work.

Despite what the paper is reporting I think the right did a good job of portraying exactly what Kerry said and the utterly dispicable conotations that came along with it. Too bad the story came out about a week two late.

davieboy said...

Look, we all know that the Times is a "Liberal" paper, just like the LA Times, and the Tribune. There are also many, many other Liberal papers, just like there are conservative papers, magazines, and other types of media. Those conservative media outlets are going to put their spin on the day's news, just like the liberal papers and blogs put their spin on it. This is old news, and frankly, I couldn't care less. If you like having your world-view reinforced, and you are conservative, then watch fox news, or read Bill Kristol's column. If you are more left-leaning, then read the Times or listen to air-America (too bad they went bankrupt! The lefties can't compete when it comes to talk radio). I am tired of hearing people complain about the Times and their "Liberal Bias." If you don't like it, read something else! Watch Fox news! Those same people who are complaining about the liberal media never complain about how biased and in my opinion "unbalanced" Fox news is.

Kerry doesn't know how to deliver punchlines or communicate very well. Jon Stewart was making fun of Kerry after that happened on the Daily Show. Like him or not, Kerry is a smart guy, and he can't seem to figure out how to talk to the common folk. We all know Kerry never really meant to insult Americans fighting in Iraq. Do you honestly think he harbors some disdain for our fellow citizens in uniform? Give me a break! It was a stupid thing to say, since it was obviously an ambiguous, or esoteric "joke". It certainly wasn't funny. Kerry screwed up, and the right jumped all over him for it; but you cant tell me Kerry actually meant to insult the troops in Iraq.

Head Master, Society of Saints said...

I agree with everything you said regarding the media. If you don't like what you are reading go somewhere else. However, I do take issue with the idea the Kerry is not anti military. Despite is sketchy war record, I'm not convinced that he does not hold the military in lesser light. He has made many speeches and statements that contradict the view that he is not biased against the military.

I dont doubt that he is smart, but like every politician his views are often skewed by ambition and not principle.

davieboy said...

I suppose that's true. Certainly Kerry is very ambitious, and as a result, I don't doubt he has compromised his (if any) principals. This is obviously not exclusive to Kerry, probably most people in office suffer from the "win at all costs" mentality. I was just a little upset; I guess I am upset in general about how politicians from both sides of the aisle jump on each other and politicize and make issue when someone misspeaks, or does some otherwise meaningless thing. That's not to say what Kerry said was meaningless; I don't know what Kerry's true intentions were when he made that "joke." He says it was an attempt to criticize the Bush administration. But I can't help but wonder if this would even be a big deal if the Republicans hadn't jumped on this and used it for political gain (although they didn't gain anything from it--the election results prove that).

You say Kerry is anti-military. What does that even mean? If someone is against the Iraq war, are they then anti-military? If you don't vote for big defense spending bills, are you anti-military? I hear that term thrown around a lot, and I never quite know what to make of it. Maybe I am naive, but I just don't know how one could be anti-military in this dangerous world we live in. In fact, it has always been a dangerous world. Throughout all time, humanity has been engaged in one war or another, and our military helps protect us and our interests. So it seems to me that being anti-military is bad not only politically, but it just doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I am sort of rambling now. I am obviously not very busy at work.

Matt said...

This is a hot button issue for davieboy. In a private conversation a while back davieboy and I discussed the fact that you can't watch a news program on any network and get the "truth." It's sad really, that we have to watch, listen, and read multiple sources just to get a "fair" perception of things. Such is the world we live in I guess.

This most recent post about the Kerry debacle was an illustration of bias from the so-called mainstream media.(What is mainstream these days anyway?) I usually don't buy into the bias idea because I have come to believe everyone is biased one way or another, hence the idea of searching for the truth in multiple sources. This particular one was entertaining though.