Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Corruption at the Federal Level

Whay say ye armchair pundits, over the Abramoff scandal?

He has been linked to DeLay, Bob Ney, and others. We have been talking in this blog about the corruption that money and power bring to politics; this is just one example that illustrates our arguments. Stories like this make me wonder how our elected officials will ever regain the public trust. Its no wonder no one shows up to vote every four years, we don't trust the people we would elect. Is this why the "constitution will be hanging by a thread," thus the elders of the church come to save the government? Is this one of many reasons why the church will come to the rescue? Will we see more and more LDS men and women in elected positions over the coming years; I think those are the only candidates we could surely trust.


Matt said...

Great post Davie. In a private convo last nite, CitizenSaint and I were discussing this very issue and the implications in government, and furthermore, what this story will do to change public opinion of our elected officals.

On Fox News Sunday last week, in the panel discussion, one of the panelists predictions for the "biggest story of 2006" was this very story. How true it is. Not just becasue it exposes INDISCRETION, MISAPPROPRIATION OF FUNDS, CORRUPTION, etc, but, I think, this will greatly alter public perception. I just pray that people wake up, take off the headphones, turn off Dancing with the Stars, and pay attention to what is happening the political landscape to THEIR country.

This story goes right to the heart of what is wrong with politics today, MONEY. McCain-Feingold tried to fix the 'money problem' with campaign finance reform. Is money still a problem in Washington? YES. So what is to be done to fix it? PURGE Washington of corruption, if that is even possible. This at least gets the ball rolling on the PURGE process, and at the very least, more people will open their eyes to what is going on in Washington and start holding elected officals accountable for their INDISCRETIONS, I mean, actions.

As this scandal unfolds, I think we are going to see that in the BUSINESS of government, party lines don't matter, for all bow to the almighty dollar.

davieboy said...

Funny clip on the daily show regarding Abramoff.