Monday, December 26, 2005

Good Ol' Pattie B. With Another Well Written Expose on America

I don't always agree with Pat Buchanan, he is close to what I hate most about the extreme right, but lately he has turned from a zealot to a real American realist. I enjoy his 'take no prisoner' mentality on what he thinks is happening to America an to those he thinks is destroying it. I know I may be stretching a bit here but I think he is as close to an Ezra Taft Benson, in terms of his politics and outlook on America, that we have in our modern day.

I love his quote most of all from this article, "However Iraq ends, the era that began with the fall of the Berlin Wall has reached its close. That place in the sun the Greatest Generation won for us, and the Cold War generation kept for us, the baby boomer generation appears to have lost. And perhaps forever. "