Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Brace Yourselves Mitt's "Mormonism" Is Getting Personal

Wow...Here we are 2 years before the next presidential election. Mitt Romney hasn't even declared his presidency but yet the "real" attacks against what Mitt is all about are beginning. I have copied an email that maybe some of you have seen. It is patently offensive and I post it only to show the horror of what the opposition is not afraid to do or say about Mitt and his fellow LDS. This is only the beginning, I imagine that the questions will become more difficult, the attacks more personal and the faith of our fathers more questioned. I see this as an opportunity to stand and be heard.

-----Below is the article -----

RunMittRun Progress Report, November 27, 2006

Garments on the Internet:
A Type and Shadow of Things to Come

If any of us had any doubt that someone would stoop so low as to attack Mitt Romney’s candidacy by attacking his religion, events of the last few days should have erased them.

In a matter of days, Andrew Sullivan, a prominent blogger and writer for “Time” magazine, posted a photograph of a man and woman in temple garments, an article highlighting the Mormon Church’s “racist past,” and a link to the ”South Park” episode ridiculing Joseph Smith.

Two things that should give us all pause: 1) Mitt isn’t even a declared candidate yet, and 2) Andrew Sullivan is a conservative who claims to be a fan of Romney on many issues. It’s just that Romney’s religion isn’t one of them.

Sullivan, it turns out, is a fiscal conservative and a social progressive. He accurately points out in his thoughtful article in “The London Times” that Romney is really the only shot “theoconservatives” have of installing a president friendly to their values in 2008. But he then makes clear that most of those theoconservatives are evangelical Christians, who frequently loathe Mormons for the many reasons he has been detailing in his blog the last few days.

Garments on the internet two years before the general election, served up by a supposedly conservative fan of Mitt Romney?
Brace yourselves.


P.S. Please forward this email to everyone you know! Please donate financially to our effort to fight the misinformation!

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