Friday, November 17, 2006

Muslim-American Speaks Out

Islamic Society of Nevada director Aslam Abdullah wrote an open letter to Al-Qaida criticizing them. A lot of people have been calling on Muslim leaders to speak out against the terrorists--lets just hope that more Muslim leaders actually in the middle-east start doing this more.

One of my favorite parts of his letter is this excerpt:
"Many among us American Muslims have differences with our administration on domestic and foreign issues, just like many other Americans do. But the plurality of opinions does not mean that we deprive ourselves of the civility that God demands from us. America is our home and will always be our home. Its interests are ours, and its people are ours. When you talk of killing Americans, you first have to kill 6 million or so Muslims who will stand for every American's right to live and enjoy the life as commanded by God."

If we can convince more Muslims of this, especially the very poor ones in the middle east who feel like killing westerners is their only option
, then we will be far better off in this "war on terror." Convincing them of this is a lot harder when their houses are being destroyed and their family members are being killed by our bombs. Diplomacy at gunpoint can only take us so far. This is obviously a very complicated issue, and it is not going away any time soon. I am glad I am not the one making all the decisions, and I don't envy our leaders who do, but I want the correct ones to be made. I think education is key, and the more education those people have, the less belligerent they will be. Is it any coincidence that the American Muslims are not blowing themselves up? They are educated, and they have everything they need to sustain life and live comfortably. This is something that the poor Muslims elsewhere in the world do not have, and their ignorance is killing themselves and other innocent people. Killing one fanatical leader only leads to another one taking his place.

This is surely a debate that can and will go on for a long time.


Head Master, Society of Saints said...

I love it when he says,

"There is nothing common between you and us.

We stand for life, you want to destroy it."

I wish we would hear more from Muslims such as this. I like your comment davieboy on the fact that what they see in Iraq and in the rest of the world is violence. How can we promote freedom, liberty and humanity by us blowing them up and they blowing us up? I agree that force needs to be used here but our focus and strategy here in incorrect. We cannot take one of these radicals without another one sprouting up in its place. I'm not sure of the exact position we need to take but the violence needs to end, and end quickly. If I were war planning I would go for an "Armegedon" type of strike where we move in Gulf War I troop levels of 250,000 plus and secure the area until the government can get on its feet. We will never be able to secure the freedom they need to conduct their own affairs with their people being blown up dozens at a time.