Tuesday, December 06, 2005

BYU College Democrats

I thought this was an oxymoron, but the club exists...here

Do you think they get a really hard time at school? Who has the guts to join this club at the Y? If you are a dem in provo, I thought you would have to be a closet dem; but maybe I am wrong, I don't live there, so I don't know.


Matt said...

There must be enough support in the Provo-Orem area to solicit the likes of Michael Moore to speak during the elections, although I believe they are still very much in the minority.

CitizenSaint said...

I had a friend who was a member of this "club"... they concluded that Jesus would have been a Democrat. Uhhhh.. ok.. First of all, to put him IN a political party at all is just ridiculous, and secondly.. NO HE WOULDN'T!!!!! Socialists usually don't mix well with the gospel. The Democratic party is just a stones throw away from Communism. Watch out gentlemen.

Head Master, Society of Saints said...

The Republican party is a stone throws away from becoiming radical Islam. I think we must look at other end with equal dismay and hesitancy.

CitizenSaint said...

Head Master... that comment was loony. I am not a Kool-Aid drinking Republican by any means.. but Radical Islam? Since when can you compare less government, more freedom and fewer taxes to Radical Islamists killing people for a religous agenda? That is just insane.

Many Democrats are on the path to Communism. They are already in the socialist camp, they just have to pushed over the edge. It happens quick to go from the government forcing an income redistribution to the government deciding that they should just own EVERYTHING because they are better at running the economy than we are.