Thursday, December 01, 2005

Mormons in the Fray and other friends of family

Take a look at these two websites. One is Mormon and one is not but both have great causes and will be getting some of my precious donation dough this year.

This one in particular has peaked my attention and have already signed up with them this year.

Look at the article section and read up on the ongoing initiatives. In particular is the "The End of Marriage in Scandanavia". Europe is in a dangerous downward spiral in all things moral. At what point does the Church pull out of Europe and bring the Saints home?

In my opinion there must come a time when it is worse for the Saints to be in such a secular society and when the Church must call them to "Zion". In this age of commuincation we can be "a light set on a hill" without a physical presence in a certain area. Using the same logic we can also be "in the world" without having all the negative spiritual side effects of such an immoral society.

I hope that in the upcoming year we can perhaps have some contact with these folks at legacy and maybe get a couple of their contributions on our blog.