Monday, December 05, 2005

Romney to the GOP's Rescue

Editorial with a slant. Romney may just be what the GOP needs in 2008.
Talk it over...


Head Master, Society of Saints said...

I think it is so interesting that the only folks talking about religion in the next presidential race are the chrisitan right wing. While other liberal papers have proposed that Romney's mormonism may have political implications, they seem only ancillary. If Romney is smart he will play to his wholesome side while showing that he has a comprehensive plan that can bring the independents and moderate republicans together. Leave the chrisitian radicals to themselves and let them cannibalize each other.

davieboy said...

How many independents do you suppose will vote for Romney? How many Liberals? He obviously knows how to appeal to the moderates and independents, or he wouldnt be govenor of Mass. His biggest challenge will be the right part of the right wing. Everybody talks about McCain running and being in the lead, but the right part of the right wing hates him. Independents and moderates love him, even a lot of Dems love him; So what Republican candidate will get the far right in 2008?

Head Master, Society of Saints said...

That's the crazy part. The one candidate who has positioned himself to the right is Mitt. His ability to take on issues such as gay marriage and stem cell research puts him firmly at the right, but issues such as this health care issue place him at the center. I think he has picked his issues well and seems to be playing his cards right.

To davieboy's point, the right has a disdain for McCain and the center of right dislike folks like Brownback and others. Mitt has himself positioned nicely.